Podjetje PELOZ d.o.o. je prejemnik certifikata IFS standarda Global market:
Letter of Confirmation

Herewith certification body / assessment service provider
Assessors Global Group
d.o.o. confirms that the
activities of PELOZ d.o.o.
Loke 1a

for the assessment scope:
1 - Red and white meat, poultry and meat products

B - Pasteurisation with the purpose to reduce food safety hazards (and UHT process), C - Processed products, D - Systems, treatments to maintain product integrity and or safety, E - Systems, treatments to prevent product contamination, F - Any other manipulation, treatment, processing not being listed in A, B, C, D, E
got approved according to the requirements set out in the
Version 2, January 2017
and other associated normative documents
at Basic Level
with a score of 91,55 %

Assessmentdate: 7.9.2018.
Date of issue of letter of confirmation: 18.9.2018.
Letter of confirmation valid until: 1.11.2019.
Next assessment to be performed within the time period: 13.7.2019. - 21.9.2019.
Assessors Global Group doo, Dimitrija Tucovića 10/8, 24000 Subotica, Serbia